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Riverview East, 251 East 32nd Street: Review and Ratings
Riverview East, 251 East 32nd Street: Review and Ratings
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Dec 23, 2011
  • #29 in Gramercy Park

Carter's Review

This soft red-brick, 20-story apartment building was erected in 1965. It was converted to a cooperative in 1981 and has 163 units.

The building has a one-story, polished red granite entrance surround to leads to a two-step-down vestibule, which has also has a ramp, and a large-windowed lobby. The south side of this street has a nice row of townhouses, but there are some low-rise buildings with fire escapes on the north side.

The building is across the avenue from the very handsome Kips Bay Towers that were designed as towers-in-a-park by I. M. Pei. A large and handsome cineplex is one block south on the avenue and the medical complexes of Hospital Alley are nearby on First Avenue.

The building has a garage, basement storage, some terraces and a concierge. It has no balconies and no health club.

The Queens-Midtown Tunnel is a few blocks to the north and east. There is good cross-town bus service on 34th Street, but the subway is a few blocks away on Lexington Avenue. The building is across from Fairway and an AMC multiplex, and just blocks away from Trader Joe's, Todaro's Italian Specialty Shop, and so much more!

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