Total Est. Monthly Carrying Cost:
$26,814 ($10.73/ft2)
Note: the above is based on a down payment of 20% ($999,900),
which is the minimum amount permitted by the building.
Expansive full floor loft in an extra wide boutique building only 4 lofts + a ground floor, quiet commercial development office. This warm and inviting home is flanked by beautiful, round, original heart pine columns and massive wooden beams, custom sound insulated ceiling, brick walls, 2 bedroom+ roomy bunk room/study/office 2 full + one 1/2 bathroom. Open floorplan, private outdoor planted deck, runs the width of the buildings..
great chef’s kitchen with top of the line appliances.
This luxurious loft looks directly out onto Washington Market Park. Surrounded by delicious restaurants and services...only a block from Chambers Street which offer express stops of both the East and West side trains A,C, E, 2, 3, N, R, 6
This warm and rich oasis, nestled in the heart of Southern Tribeca, just a hop, skip and a jump from Whole Foods Market, Bed Bath and Beyond, Barnes and Noble...blissful convenience and less than a 5 minute walk to the Hudson River Promenade full of fun outdoors activities and the new go to place for slamming new restaurants at the new Brookfield Place!
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