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17 Convent Avenue: Review and Ratings
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Carter Horsley's Building Review Carter Horsley
Aug 20, 2018
  • #33 in Upper Manhattan
  • #1 in Hamilton Heights

Carter's Review

This attractive, 7-story, grey-brick building at 17 Convent Avenue at 128th Street in West Harlem was erected in 2018 and has 21 condominium apartments. 

It was developed by Kane Ventures of which Yoni Bak is an officer.  Alexander Compagno was the architect.  The same developer also developed 52 Convent Avenue between 129th and 130th streets at the same time. 

The building is close to subways and Saint Nicholas Park.

Bottom Line

An attractive, low-rise, grey-brick building in West Harlem with some balconies and good public transportation.


The building has four setback façades on the avenue all with a simple cornice. 

The building has sidewalk landscaping and an entrance marquee.


The building has a roof deck with grilling station, a residents' lounge, and a virtual doorman.


Penthouse B is a four-bedroom duplex unit with a 17-foot-long living/dining room with an open kitchen with an island and a large terrace and a bedroom with a large balcony on the upper level and three bedrooms and a balcony on the lower level. 

Penthouse A is a three-bedroom duplex unit with an entry foyer that leads to an 18-foot-wide living/dining room with an open kitchen with a breakfast bar and a 11-foot-wide balcony on the lower level and a master bedroom with a 23-foot-wide terrace on the upper level. 

Penthouse C is a two-bedroom duplex unit with 1,246 square feet of interior space and 461 square feet of outdoor space with an entry foyer leading to an 18-foot-long living/dining room with an open kitchen with a breakfast bar and a 11-foot-wide balcony on the lower level and 21-foot-wide terrace on the upper level. 

Garden A is a one-bedroom duplex unit with an entry foyer that leads to a 16-foot-long living/dining room with an open kitchen with an island and a bedroom on the upper level and a 18-foot-wide recreation room with a 21-foot-terrace on the lower level.

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