Total Est. Monthly Carrying Cost:
$4,590 ($6.56/ft2)
Note: the above is based on a down payment of 25% ($138,750),
which is the minimum amount permitted by the building.
Offer Accepted!
Price Reduced! Only $565,000 for a one bedroom with a balcony in a full-time doorman building.
Sunny one bedroom with private balcony facing front. Beautiful wood floors, renovated bathroom, new lighting, just painted. Ready for move in. Terrific location, near Upper East Side shopping and restaurants.
Four blocks to Central Park. Priced very competitively. Best value in the building! Full time doorman building with friendly staff and welcoming Board. Liberal new sublease policy: reside for three years and you can sublease for six years.
Washer/Dryer allowed in unit with Board approval.
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